These days, everything yells ‘Celebrate!’ The roads sparkle green and red, and there’s a decorated tree practically on every street corner. Why, even the supermarket plays “Let it snow, let it snow” over its loudspeakers!

    With the 2018-2019 Holiday season inching its way in, are you agonizing over gift ideas? Creating lists of those loved ones you wish to present something to, but don’t know what?










    sad young girlLast year saw you in crisis mode scouring websites for that elusive ‘perfect gift’. October rolled around, and UPS didn’t magically deliver anything to your door. As November appeared on the calendar and no ideas came to you in your sleep, a frenzied web search pulled up some gift ideas—of the most expensive variety. You could just see your Mom taking one sniff of that $150 bath set and dropping it down the trash chute... Finishing off December with empty wrapping paper at worst, and mediocre gifts at best made for a lukewarm holiday season.

    Let this year be different with Dulcet Gift Baskets!

    Why Dulcet’s? Because food makes the mood!
    Always fresh, always delicious, there is something warmth-evoking in Dulcet’s Holiday Gift Baskets that is irresistible. Take our signature Tea Baskets: they are the perfect addition to your fireside celebration. Or choose Dulcet’s specialty bread-- a delicious variation to your standard party fair. Among our large variety of baked delicacies, we feature frosted muffins, brownie filled tins and decadent chocolate arrangements.

    pastry assortments       

    Besides the fact that you can stop brainstorming for gift ideas now, you may as well lay away the ribbons and wrapping, for Dulcet’s will not leave you wanting. Every package we deliver is crafted with a personal touch. Be it a festive ribbon encircling the basket or a holiday themed box, we spare no effort in the elegance department.

    Holiday gifting was never as easy and yum. Browse our selection, pick what talks to you, and just let us ship it—fast and guaranteed.
    We’ve picked some beautiful packages to get you started. In case ‘gifter’s block’ still strikes, just reach out to our Holiday Gifting Team for some great ideas and assistance!

    December 19, 2018 — Judy Stesel